Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leaving tomorrow!!

Just got back from a cruise to the Bahamas with the fam! It was really nice and relaxing. I'm glad we got to have some family time before I left for Ukraine. I'm nice and sunburnt now :)

In four hours I leave Atlanta for DC for Staging! I'm super excited and nervous. I hope my bags will be fine and I haven't forgotten anything. Hopefully I won't fall asleep during the sessions. Tomorrow is when it gets real. Luckily, I'm going to have dinner with some of my best buddies in DC, so that will be a nice farewell. I'm going to miss my friends and family so much.

Leave me your address if you would like a postcard! I'll try to update again tomorrow or when I have internet access in Ukraine. Oh, also, I'll have my cell phone with me in Ukraine (just got my brother's old international blackberry woooo) so you can contact me if you really need to.



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