Friday, October 8, 2010

Medical problem...

October 7th- My medical review has begun! Exciting!

October 8th - I got a letter in the mail with my glasses form. I take care of the form, fax it back to them. Everything should be good now. Hopefully I will be medically cleared next week!

I also called the legal department as they still haven't fixed my name in their system. after dealing with that, I ask them why my legal docs have been under review for so long and if there were any problems. They tell me that they don't even start reviewing your legal stuff until you are medically cleared. Hopefully I will be all cleared in the next week or two. And then more waiting.....woooooo.....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Medical records received and dentally cleared!

Peace Corps received my physical exam results on October 1st! They also dentally cleared me on the same day. It says they probably won't review my medical forms until about 4 months before my departure date (tentative March 2011). I'm excited that everything is finally in and done, but now the hard part starts...waiting. I still have a hold on my application as they are reviewing my legal status. I'm assuming they will need more info on my student loans at some point. I'll update when I know more!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Peace Corps Timeline

So I know that when I first started applying for the Peace Corps, I wanted to know how long it actually took to have everything in. This blog is for those who are considering doing the Peace Corps and for my friends and family who wonder what I will be doing and where I will be going. The first part will be a timeline showing when I applied an how long everything takes and then the second part will follow my time while I am abroad (assuming I ever have access to internet!). Hopefully, I can give some insight about the process and give some tips about how to do things.